Chemical Transfer Composite Hose | Heavy-Duty High Temp Suction & Discharge Hose | 8C09205-100 | 1″ Inner Diameter | -40°F to 350°F Temperature Range | 250 PSI Max Pressure | White PTFE Tube | POLYFIBER Reinforcement | Stainless Steel Helix

Chemical Transfer Composite Hose | Heavy-Duty High Temp Suction & Discharge Hose | 8C09205-100 | 1″ Inner Diameter | -40°F to 350°F Temperature Range | 250 PSI Max Pressure | White PTFE Tube | POLYFIBER Reinforcement | Stainless Steel Helix

This heavy-duty high temp suction and discharge composite hose is designed for use in chemical transfer applications. The flexible design is perfect for tank farms,midstream pumping locations, loading stations,and loading arm hoses. In applications where bend radius and weight are an issue with rubber, chemical composite is the perfect solution.

SKU 8C09205-100 Categories ,

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Part Number



White PTFE



Inner Helix


Outer Helix



-40°F to 350°F

ID (in)


OD (in)


Pressure (psi)


Burst Ration (safety factor)


Vacuum Rating


Bend Radius





Welcome to our top-of-the-line heavy-duty high-temperature suction and discharge composite hose, which is the ultimate solution for transferring chemicals in various applications. Do you require a reliable, flexible hose for your loading arm hoses, tank farms, midstream pumping locations, or loading stations? Our 8C09205-100 composite hose is perfect for you.

This chemical composite hose is designed flexibly and serves as the ideal replacement for rubber hose, thanks to its superior bend radius and weight limitations. The inner portion of the hose is composed of a white PTFE tube that ensures the purer transfer of chemicals with resistance against chemical reactions. Additionally, POLYFIBER reinforcement secures durability and strength. The stainless steel inner and outer helix shields maintain flexibility while also enhancing endurance.

Our 8C09205-100 composite hose is designed to withstand vastly variable temperatures, from -40°F to 350°F, making it a resilient choice for extreme environments. Moreover, with an inner diameter of 1 inch and an outer diameter of 1.12 inches, this composite hose can handle a maximum pressure rating of 250 psi.

Expect our chemical transfer composite hose to be your go-to for various applications, providing you with reliable and safe service. It’s a workhorse that you can trust to deliver in all your chemical transfer applications. Order your 8C09205-100 composite hose today and experience its unparalleled flexibility, durability, and dependability.

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